From the Virgo Mental Matrix: Inspiration! ~ 10 Aug 2023

Currently, Mercury and Mars step away from a square to the Great Attractor and close in on a subsequent square to the Galactic Center. As they do, they now square a cluster of black holes in Sagittarius demanding one seek out only the counsel and opinion of those more evolved and wiser, and simultaneously point out that you can’t teach your way through the things you need to learn. Should any of that sound or feel familiar, there is relief in sight.

First, to prime the pump and follow the theme of the previous SkyScraping post with a picture of restorative monsoon rainfall, here’s another visual grab from the sky hereabouts, intending to provide a sense of nourishment and relief.


And now onto the mix currently heterodyning in the studios of Mercury and Mars.

No doubt those looking ahead noticed that Mercury soon retrogrades in Virgo. Here comes all the “Oh no! Not Mercury retrograde again! Wasn’t it backing up three months ago?” Yes, Mercury retrogrades in one of the signs attributed to the fleet-footed messenger before any tongue twister can be uttered. This Mercurial campaign commences on 23 August with Mercury a few degrees short of squaring off the Galactic Center. The retrograde lasts until 16 September. For the entire duration of the retrograde, Mercury transits Virgo - very natural and familiar turf.

A few things about Virgo in general seem appropriate here.

Virgo holds no intention of negative thinking. Virgo considers all potential actions that appear from the current life matrix of possibilities and considers in a way that has become quite the phrase these days: “What could go wrong?” Virgo, and Mercury in particular, love asking that question of those in mental mush mode. More, both Mercury and Virgo intend to figure what might could derail the trains and swiftly compiles a guidebook for things to do to ensure none of the things that cause other things to skew off in unwanted directions are not done. Period. It’s not negative. It’s preventive. Mercury in Virgo especially prefers preventive over preventative. Mercury plots and configures worst case scenarios and issues directives to prevent wayward thoughts and actions from ever entering ones’ reality and mucking up the mental works.

As Mercury skillfully muses through the Virgoan retrograde, Mars presses forward. On 22 August Mars precisely opposes Neptune in Pisces, both within the range of orb for their respective squares to the Galactic Center. For those concerned with precision, Mars forms the exact square to the Galactic Center later that very same day.

Starting some time in the next few days the pull of Mercury and Mars in Virgo to the Galactic Center throws a party intended on crashing into ones cranium in ways that conjure consciousness. It’s in effect now. This remains in effect until Mercury clears its square to the Galactic Center, which with direct motion, is 4 October. The time is fraught with thought.

Since Mercury creates a rule of threes by virtue of the fact it must travel three solar revolutions for both sides of its surface to receive light, this time benefits from rules of three that support the current rules of the game presented by life itself. Think of it this way: An app proves no verifiable functionality until the need for the app is perceived, then, 1) it has been downloaded, 2) the app is installed, 3) the app is used and applied to clarify or resolve matters at hand. One might indicate that’s a bit like getting three transits from Mercury during a one of that planet’s retrograde cycles. Indeed it is. Repetition is one of the mothers of skill.

So, with Mercury in Virgo and reflecting upon Galactic Center insights, one likely comes up with seed thoughts. These seed thoughts require recognition for the value they offer, then planting in the profundity locker, followed by attentive cultivation and application. One potentially may conclude, if it can be thought (or imagined), then it can be created... even those things fantastical, as supported by Mars in opposition to Neptune in Pisces.

Insert double rainbow picture here:


Ah, there it is. How cool is that? If one traipses to the geographic region where the rainbow touches the Earth, they may not find gold. They will, however, find themselves in saturation mode with a catalog of potential Galactic Center downloads. Each download requires installation and well-intended use. Under these Virgoan transits a culling process appears, asking the questions: Is this marketable? Perhaps more primally, does this fulfill a need or desire? Does it possess merit? Is the world a better place because of what was created?

The Virgo logic-block caution is: Perhaps rethink your faux platypus fur-lined shoehorn in a time when most people seem to want shoes they can put on without bending over.

With any galactic effect, especially those with extra potent gravity as the core of our galaxy possesses, the gravity warps time. Truly, it takes time for others to catch up to a great new idea and chose to get one of those newfangled inventions things and apply it in their life. How long will it take for the collective to wrap around AI for instance? For me, never. Every word you read in my posts I shall conjure and put on the page, free from siliconic generated ideas.

Anyway, it could take until Jupiter in Gemini, not all that long in the future, to square off the Virgo aspects in play and create a window of receptive warmth for extreme ingenuity to enjoy its collective wrap around. Because of Jupiter in Gemini’s retrograde in the earlier degrees of the sign, this square appears only once - late May to early June 2025.

Some ideas received in this time land earlier than twenty-one months from now, depending upon the theme, recognizability and what the transits are in play when the idea appears, compared with when it manifests.

Speaking of manifestation, Mars opposes Neptune in this time. Conjuring visions of sugar plums, unicorns, mermaids or rainbows is cool. It is not a matter of “if you build it, they will come.” It is indeed a more primal matter: “If you conjure it, it can and likely could be created.”

Here’s to great visions, abundant aspirations and unlimited inspiration over the next weeks ahead.

More soon.